Project Overview
Arundel ES was designed for the youngest students, grades preK through 2, built brand new while the existing school remained occupied. Through innovative site planning and building design, the new elementary school achieved a Gold LEED rating.
Our Approach
MK prepared designs and documentation regarding all site related items including grading plans, reforestation, paving, pedestrian and vehicular traffic patterns, parking lots, playgrounds, utilities, telecommunications conduits, and erosion and sediment control, and stormwater management. Designs and permits met the approval of UDARP (now UDAAP) and the Baltimore City Site Plan Review Committee.
The Results
MK was an integral part of the design team, as the large site contained some unique amenities to be highlighted. In addition to the athletic fields and historic property, there were some interesting environmental features – including wetlands and a stream – that were incorporated into the site design. With GWWO, we considered a dozen different locations for the high school.