Project Overview
The modernization of the Stoddert Middle School demolishes 30,000 SF, renovates 76,000 SF, and creates 42,000 SF of new construction. The building sits on 75 acres – 30 acres of building, parking, and athletic fields with an additional 45 acres of forested or wetland areas. The development of the site was achieved without impacts to existing Resource Protection Zones.
Our Approach
New parking areas and a new bus loop and drop-off will be designed with vegetated curb islands to separate the various parking areas and pedestrian sidewalks leading to the main entrances. Bus parking was incorporated. Emergency services now has vehicle access to over 75% of the building with fire hydrants located around the perimeter of the school building.
A new educational wing was constructed to the north of the existing building, with outdoor learning areas for students and teachers. New play areas and ballfields were also designed. Eleven new microbioretention facilities provide water quality control for a site without stormwater management prior to this development project.