Blue Heron Elementary SchoolFrederick County Public Schools

A new elementary school in Frederick County was created in response to growing population and development in the County. This school required extensive coordination with the developer of the adjacent community.

Image Credit: GWWO


Construction Cost
$42.8 million
Year Completed
Square Feet

Team Members Involved

member involved img
Marianne K. Crampton, PE
member involved img
Craig Blymiller


Architect | GWWO Inc. / Architects

800 Wyman Park Drive # 300
Baltimore, MD 21211
(410) 332-1009

Project Overview

This new school was designed to relieve overcrowding at existing elementary schools, in response to new development in Frederick County. The two-story design is partially set into a hill on the lot and features three playgrounds and a playing field.

Credit: Oak ContractingCredit: Oak Contracting

Our Approach

This greenfields site consisted primarily of field and forest areas with a significant slope. MK prepared site layout plans for the new school including grading plans, playgrounds, a dedicated bus loop, a drop off and pick up loop with parking, sediment and erosion control, and stormwater management documents. MK was able to meet ESD (environmental site design) goals within the site footprint. Landscape design also preserved two specimen trees, a White Oak and an American Beech.

The Results

The site is located within a Planned Unit Development (PUD), part of the Hamptons West community. MK worked with the developer to incorporate the utilities and mass grading promised to FCPS into planning, design, and phasing.

Mother Seton Academy Mother Seton Academy Gymnasium

By thoughtfully designing and programming a tiny lot, the Mother Seton Academy gained a learning garden, pocket park, and outdoor classroom for their middle school students.


Arundel Community Development Services (ACDS) Severn Center

The Severn Center is a project 20 years in the making, a multi-purpose center created for children, youth, families, seniors – a place of community involvement and impact.

Image Credit: Murphy & Dittenhafer


Baltimore City Urban Development

MK is practiced in the legislative and development procedures, policies, and personnel associated with the Baltimore City review and approval process.


Baltimore County Public Schools Berkshire Elementary School

The site design for this prototype school incorporated challenging typography, innovative stormwater management, upgraded utilities, safe access, and phasing to create a beautiful new school for the community.